

Why Pueraria Mirifica for Men is Good? Pueraria Mirifica is known as the miracle herb. Pueraria Mirifica is a herbal plant native to northern Thailand. Women in Thailand have been using Pueraria Mirifica for generations for its anti-ageing and rejuvenating power. In recent years it has become very popular in Asian countries as well as the West for its breast enhancing properties.

Transfemme has tons of products for Natural breast enlargement. Transfemme also has all products that help in feminization and many articles that help in the completion of this process.

Pueraria Mirifica – Why does it work so well? 
Pueraria Mirifica has the highest concentration of phytoestrogens or plant-based estrogen than any other herb or plant. More than fenugreek and soya, Pueraria Mirifica is so potent that it is not necessary to take any additional herbs along with it to help stimulate breast growth. Women have reported experiencing signs of breast growth as early as 30 to 60 days. Women have reported growing as much as 1 to 2 cups while on Pueraria Mirifica. Most women stay on a Pueraria Mirifica for at least 6 months.

Chia Milk a lady in Japan grew 3 cups over 2 years while taking Pueraria Mirifica many women who have used Pueraria Mirifica have experienced the difference in firmness and in the very short interval desired results are seen. Check: Castration method for Men

Can Men use Pueraria Mirifica to increase their Breasts? 
Many people think that this is a joke. Really this is possible. This is possible because both women and men have the same anatomy of the breast. Females have slightly larger breasts than male but the overall anatomy remains the same. Women have larger breasts because of the estrogen hormone levels that are released frequently in them whereas men have the least estrogen level.
That’s why Pueraria Mirifica can also do miracles for men too if used properly. But men also need to follow some steps along using Pueraria Mirifica.

Use protein supplements in your diet as amino acids strongly trigger the growth of your sexual hormones.
Take enough sleep because in rest most of the growth hormones are released.
Avoid Stress and depression and stay away from filthy activities because stress hormones quickly decrease fats from your breasts.
Do regular exercise of your breasts.
Massage breasts with natural oils like coconut oil.
Take phytoestrogens as they quickly grow breasts in women and the same in the case for men.
Men can achieve optimal growth in their breast size through natural alternative therapies with the fewest side-effects.

How to handle Pueraria Mirifica properly? 
It is possible to use this herb to naturally increase breast size by 1 to 2 cup sizes to get this kind of results, you need to follow all the recommendations that include exercises to enlarge breasts as well as massage. And they can attain 80 percent increase in their breast size.
You can start small by taking 250 milligrams per day, to begin with. It’s best to start small and increase the amount as time goes by. It should be noted that you shouldn’t take more than 1000 milligrams per day.

Don’t Overuse Pueraria Mirifica – It may be DangerousConclusion 
Every day of the month side effects of this would be that you may experience a headache nausea irregular menstrual cycles always check with your doctor in terms of your hormonal balance to avoid becoming estrogen dominant using the right blend of herbs will get you faster results and ensure your breasts grow to their maximum size.


In short, Pueraria Mirifica is an awesome natural product for breast growth for both men and women. Male can also grow their breasts with this magic product and results will prove that this method really works with Male too.
Bountiful Breast Cream
#1 Natural Breast Enlargement Cream Made from Peptides and Pueraria Mirifica. Bountiful Breast® cream is patented and clinically proven to enlarge and firm the breasts through its unique lipo-filling action: producing more fat cells and storing them in the areas where the cream has been applied and helping to plump up the area.