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Benefits of Transfemme 

Transfemme is a state of the art method for modifying a male body to take on female characteristics. This is accomplished without risky drugs or dangerous and expensive surgery. The result is a natural you without implants and your body takes on curvy, female body fat composition. VALUE Transfemme accomplishes something priceless, getting your own body to produce female hormones and remold itself into as close to female as possible. As breast implants are out of favor with women so to as breast implants out of favor with transwomen. No one wants to have a fake bag of saline or silicone for a breast. Our customers want to be as natural as possible. LONGEVITY Having your own female hormone levels and real female breasts and body composition is something synthetic hormones can never accomplish. Our customers enjoy having real female breasts, rounder hips and buttocks, softer skin, less male hair and do not require surgery to replace breast implants every ten years. 


Transfemme uses DNA RNA nucleoproteins that cause the body to convert testosterone into estrogen. This is your own estrogen not a drug and because this is your own body changing itself your breasts are permanent

Transfemme creates deep changes in body that results in an altered full body form. Larger areola, larger fuller breasts, fuller female shaped hips and thighs, softer skin, more lively, caring female emotions. As well as decreased penis and testicle size, less male body hair and less or a loss of male pattern baldness.

Transwomen using hormones for years end up using our program to us as they did not get the size they desired and their body did not change shape the way they wanted it to.

Your natural breasts are yours,customers who stop using Transfemme retain their female body characteristics and hormone levels. This is truly an extraordinary benefit of the Transfemme pills.

Drug Surgery

Hormones are risky, they have side effects in both women and transwomen. Surgery is very painful, risky and needs to be repeated at least every ten years even without complications

Breast implants often come out crooked, too far apart, too hard and you can see the implants under the skin. They also rupture, get scar tissue, and need to be replaced every ten years.

Drugs do not last, if they are discontinued T levels increase and drops out. Minimal body changes are lost.


Hormones are risky, they have side effects in both women and transwomen. Surgery is very painful, risky and needs to be repeated at least every ten years even without complications Additionally, once you are older those surgeries become harder and harder. As you are older you may not be able to afford replacement surgery or be able to afford to cover the cost of revisions. These surgeries are very costly and dangerous. Possible complications are infections, rupture, death from anesthesia, hardening from scar tissue and auto immune diseases. These are the unglamorous facts implant manufacturers and doctors don’t want patients to see or think about. About 40,000 women in the US annually year have their breast implants removed due to problems. A breast implants will always be a bag of saline or silicone. Our customers want to be as natural possible to feel like real, regular women. Anyone can stick an artificial implant into their body but that is not growing into a woman. Join of Transfemme family tree and transform into the woman you feel you are.